A single unified Caching Api for both MemoryCache and DistributedCache implementations including CacheManager
▼NPavalisoft | |
▼NCaching | |
▼NCache | |
CDistributedCache | Provides distribution cache implementation ofICache in ICachePartition |
CExtendedDistributedCacheEntryOptions | Provides the cache options in DistributedCacheEntryOptions with Expiration tokens support |
▼NCustom | |
CCustomCacheOptions | |
CCustomDistributedCacheStore | Provides extension to implement custom ICacheStore<T> |
CCustomDistributedCacheStoreType | |
▼NInMemory | |
CExtendedMemoryCache | Provides distributed cache implementation using MemoryCache |
CExtendedMemoryDistributedCache | Provides distributed cache implementation using MemoryCache |
CInMemoryCacheStoreType | Provides implementation to create InMemoryStore from CacheStoreDefinition |
CInMemoryStore | Provides MemoryCache version of the ICacheStore<T> |
CMemoryDistributedCacheStore | Provides ExtendedMemoryDistributedCache version of the ICacheStore<T> |
CMemoryDistributedCacheStoreType | Provides implementation to create MemoryDistributedCacheStore from CacheStoreDefinition |
▼NInterfaces | |
CICache | Represents a ICache in ICachePartition implementation |
CICacheManager | Represents ICacheManager implementation |
CICachePartition | Represents ICachePartition implementation |
CICacheSettingsProvider | Represents ICacheSettingsProvider |
CICacheStore | Represents ICacheStore<T> implementation |
CICacheStoreType | Represents ICacheStore creation implementation from CacheStoreDefinition |
CIExtendedDistributedCache | Represents the distributed cache |
CIExtendedMemoryCache | Represents a distributed cache of serialized values |
CISerializer | Represents interface for Cache Item Serializer |
▼NMySql | |
CExtendedMySqlCache | Provides MySqlCache version implementation of IExtendedDistributedCache |
CMySqlDistributedCacheStore | Provides ExtendedMySqlCache version of the ICacheStore<T> |
CMySqlDistributedCacheStoreType | Provides implementation to create MySqlDistributedCacheStore from CacheStoreDefinition |
▼NRedis | |
CExtendedRedisCache | Provides RedisCache version implementation of IExtendedDistributedCache |
CRedisDistributedCacheStore | Provides ExtendedRedisCache version of the ICacheStore<T> |
CRedisDistributedCacheStoreType | Provides implementation to create RedisDistributedCacheStore from CacheStoreDefinition |
▼NSerializers | |
CBinaryFormatterSerializer | BinaryFormatter implementation of Cache object ISerializer |
CDefaultSerializer | Represents the Object to byte array serialiser used while storing cache object in Distributed Cache |
CJsonSerializer | Json implementation of Cache object ISerializer |
▼NSqlServer | |
CExtendedSqlServerCache | Provides SqlServerCache version implementation of IExtendedDistributedCache |
CSqlServerDistributedCacheStore | Provides ExtendedSqlServerCache version of the ICacheStore<T> |
CSqlServerDistributedCacheStoreType | Provides implementation to create SqlServerDistributedCacheStore from CacheStoreDefinition |
▼NTagHelpers | |
CCacheTagHelper | TagHelper implementation targeting <pavalisoft-cache> elements |
CCacheTagHelperBase | TagHelper base implementation for caching elements |
CCacheTagKey | An instance of CacheTagKey represents the state of CacheTagHelper keys |
CBaseCacheSettingsProvider | Provides Base implementation CacheSettingsProvider of CacheSettings configuration |
CCacheManager | Provides Cache Api ICacheManagerto interact with Cache Partitions for cache |
CCachePartition | Provides Api to interact with ICachePartition |
CCachePartitionDefinition | Represents the Cache Partition Configuration Information |
CCacheSettings | Provides configuration structure for the Cache manager and its partitions including Cache stores |
CCacheSettingsProvider | Provides base implementation for ICacheSettingsProvider |
CCacheStoreDefinition | Represents Cache Store Information |
CConfigurationCacheSettingsProvider | Provides Json based CacheSettings configuration |